Sunday, September 10, 2006

Just finished this piece, and I love it, so i had to post it. Sorry about the weird lighting, I'll try to post a better pic when its light out. Enjoy.

For those without firefox or with smaller screens the words on the picture to the far left with the red bars are "I Shall Create,
If not a note,
then a hole,
a desecration."

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Last night was the Art Scene Show. It was perfect, I sold a shirt to one of the artists daughters in the first few seconds, literally, and got an order for another one. As soon as she bought it she put it on, which was a huge complement. I talked to a ton of artists and a lot of them were really cool and seemed to really like my stuff. It was surreal to have all these people checking out my work, I'm such an ego maniac now, I need to do this every night. As awesome and fun as it is to have everyone say they loved my work, I need the critiquing more, but that's not what shows are for. I'll just go find someone who hates me and have them tell me everything that don't like about the work. Ok, well I'm supposed to be making a painting for a auction tonight (!!) so I better get a start so the paints at least dry, haha.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

That last post was the peices that are on display (and for sale) at the Holland Art House. THe Flickr link is right HERE!!!
The Holland Art House in association with the Art Scene is showcasing 4 of my original pieces in their Season Grand Opening. And yes I will be their to take questions or comments. The pieces will be up for sale for between $250 and $300. Also my handprinted tee shirts on the softest fabric known to man will be on sale. By the way anyone looking for a tee shirt but not in West Chester can email me at with a size and a design. My flickr gallery will be up and running soon so check back.